Krushi mahotav at the Ahmednagar

NAME:- Krushi  mahotav
DATE :-25th - 29th January2019
VENUE:-Ahmednagar (predan chowak,savadi road.)

        Agriculture exhibition was held by ATMA(Agriculture Technology Management Agency).Huge response was given to the exhibition by the people. The main aim was to introduce farmer with sustainable agriculture development with a proper farming approch and to marketing of the value added product.
         Earn and learn student were send to exhibition.per day two student were send along with kanade sir. Student were delight to have such a good experience. It was firm belief of the student  that experience will help them in future and they have acquired new set of skills  such as communication skills and marketing skills to some extent.
        Following were the student
     1. Dhanjay Gaikwad
     2. Erande Aviraj
     3. Pingale Sandesh
     4. Shete Om
     5. Deshmukh Akash
     6. Shubham sukale
     7. Vinayak kshirsagar
     8. Meher Shivam

      Following is the review of Dhanjay"Thanks for giving us opportunity,it was done successfully because of support of Autade sir prof. Adik mam and.  prof. Kanade sir.
       This new experience will help us in our future is our firm belief.
       Thank you sir."
        At the end of the exhibition we sold 35kg of capicium and 1.5 kg of marigold.



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